Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Blackie, 9 months Male Lhasa-poo  Mix

Blackie is a nine month old pup from WV. We think he's a Lhasa-poo, but can't guarantee. He's lightweight, maybe 20 lbs, but can jump five feet straight up in the air when he's excited. He likes to play and is a great dog for an active family. Not a dog to sit in a crate or be alone all day. He likes to be the top dog with other dogs even though he's a little guy. He thinks all the toys and food is his, so we're looking for a dog-savvy owner who will train him and set limits. He has a heart of gold and wants to learn, in fact he is a very fast learner and already responds to the clicker. Sleeps all night in his crate. He has learned sit and he sits for his meals. Does well in the car.