Tips to Help Increase Your Pledges
Start early: The earlier you start, the more time you have to reach
your fundraising goal. Start by giving yourself a donation. It shows people
you are serious about supporting the cause and gets that first donation out of the way.
Then get your friends and family to write their pledge amount on the pledge sheet -
they tend to be the most generous and they set the standard for everyone who sees the form after
Ask: If you don't ask, you won't receive. Ask everyone you know for a pledge, whether you
bump into a neighbour at the grocery store or you directly call your accountant. Keeping your
pledge sheet on you at all times makes it easier to ask when you meet a potential donor. Another
tip - be direct and ask for a specific dollar amount.
Do not discount anyone. While you may not have talked to that high school friend for
awhile, it's never too late to resume a friendship by telling them about your involvement
with Save A Dog.
Do not think of pledges as asking for money or a loan. Your are not asking for money for a new
car or Hawaiian vacation, you are asking as an advocate for all the dogs in need.
Ask for pledges on payday or during tax return season. Timing is everything.
Cultivate contacts: Ask the same people every year. Then use those contacts to
approach more potential sponsors. Your mother's hairdresser, your friend's co-worker or
your roommate's cousin might want to support animals.
Involve everyone you know. Most people find that their daily contacts supply plenty
of potential donors. You'd be surprised at how many people you know even casual
acquaintances that will support your efforts. Remember, a high percentage of people are animal lovers.
Think corporate: Don't forget to ask your business contacts for a donation. The businesses
you frequent might return the support. And check out your own employer. Many businesses offer
sponsorship programs, paying the minimum fee to participate. Others have programs that match your
Put it in perspective: Ask your contact to donate the amount of their afternoon coffee.
Or, ask an ex-smoker to donate the amount they would have spent on a pack of cigarettes. Making
people relate to the donation can make them realize how much they can contribute. And asking lots
of people for small amounts of money can still add up.
Corporate Donations and Matching Gifts: When you are creating a list of people to ask for
donations, do not forget corporate donations. Think about the different companies you deal with
on a daily basis (including the one you work for) and consider them as possible contributors.
People and companies that you do business with are great prospects to start with. As with
any gift, do not be afraid to ask for high-level donations.
Many companies have a matching gift program for employees who make charitable contributions.
Matching gift programs vary from company to company. There are often minimum and maximum donation
levels, and the matching level also varies. Be sure to ask your contributors if they work for a
company that has a matching gift program -- you can receive a match from their company, as well
as yours.
To learn more information about matching gifts programs, contact your human resources department at work.