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Who Will Be at Paws in the Park 2016
 Who will be at Paws in the Park 2016?

We get numerous emails from adopters asking about other dogs who have been adopted through our program. Also, the volunteers that work so hard to rescue and foster these dogs, just love seeing them again! Paws in the Park is the perfect place to meet up with the dogs and their families.

This page has gone over so well in the past years, we are doing it again. It is for those of you who want to tell other adopters and volunteers that you will be at Paws in the Park 2016.

Are you going to be attending Paws in the Park this year? If so, click here and tell us your name, dog's name, dog's former name, the month & year he/she was adopted and any brief message you would like posted. If you have a current picture, attach that too!

At 10:45am we will be holding a "Find Your Pet's Littermate" contest. If you adopted a puppy or dog who had a littermate, you are eligible to play "Find your Littermate" at 10:45 in the Main Ring. Make sure you know your original adoption date and if possible, any other siblings from your dog's litter. Then you can all walk together during the "Walk" part of our event!

We will have a bulletin board and index cards available at the Information booth. These cards can be used to write messages to siblings and/or volunteers regarding where/when to meet. We are planning to set up a meeting area. Ask at the Information booth where this area is.

Winnie (Previously Yiska) - Adopted: April 2012

Winnie is fabulous!

Toby (Previously Dolan) - Adopted: October 2015

Toby has been a blessing to our family. We are so lucky to have such a special dog with a sweet personality, relaxed manner and very smart. We hope to see "Dolan's" siblings on Sunday so they can play! We are excited to celebrate all these special dogs! Thank you Save A Dog!

Lolah - Adopted: August 2013

Mr Molesley - Adopted: March 2016

Foss/Stahan family looking forward to meeting four legged friends!

Pepper (Previously Pepper) - Adopted: March 2015


Sammy, Phoebe & Bailey (Previously Sunny, Evie, & Baby) - Adopted: June 2005

Sammy & Phoebe - June 26, 2005 Bailey - December 22, 2015

Sully (Previously Alto) - Adopted: April 2015

We are so glad we adopted our sweet boy, Sully and so grateful he was rescued from the side of the road in Mississippi! He is a wonderful dog who has truly enriched our lives and there's not a day that goes by that he doesn't make me smile!

Tanner (Previously Tanner) - Adopted: October 2014

Tanner was adopted from Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA. He was found in Georgia with his 5 siblings and mother. He is a mixed breed, very lovable, and social!

Pearl (Previously Penny) - Adopted: October 2015

Pearl and I can't wait to see everyone again! We're so grateful to Save a Dog for bringing us together!

Max (Previously Big Mac) - Adopted: February 2016

Max is a sweet dog who has become very comfortable in our home. He is a love.

Huxley (Previously Huxley) - Adopted: August 2015

Dobby - Adopted: November 2016

Chewie (Previously Gloria) - Adopted: March 2016

Diva (Previously Rena) - Adopted: October 2013

So happy to have this complex girl in our lives! She has turned into quite a diva, indeed.

Noodles (Previously Noodles) - Adopted: August 2012

Mr. Noodles will be attending Paws in the Park this year! He will be joined by his "brother" Darby, who was adopted 8 years ago and is still going strong! They would love to say "hello" to you all!

Bruce - Adopted: August 2012

Hunter (Previously Hunter) - Adopted: April 2016

Hunter is now part of our pack! Thank you!

Tonto (Previously Tonto) - Adopted: July 2015

Tonto is such an awesome dog, and we are so happy to have found each other! She loves people and other dogs, and especially loves her kitty brother and sister. She is also learning her barn manners and is having a lot of fun being a barn dog on weekends. She is looking forward to seeing her old buddies from Save a Dog soon!

Vern (Previously Vernon) - Adopted: April 2016

I love him!!!

Cecil (Previously Rebel) - Adopted: January 2010

Happiest guy ever! We love him to bits!

Jasper (Previously N/A) - Adopted: November 2009

Jasper is a miniature Schnauzer with a mighty lion's heart. He is happiest when he is with his people - walking in the woods, playing disc golf, or just taking an afternoon snooze.

Nola (Previously Nola) - Adopted: October 2015

Lucy (Previously Lucy) - Adopted: March 2013

Lucy is looking forward to another "Paws"!

Kensie (Previously Lucy) - Adopted: February 2016

Kensie's looking forward to coming back to visit. We really lucked out with her, she's one of the friendliest, smartest dogs I've ever seen

Molly - Adopted: October 2003

When we adopted Molly almost 13 years ago she became our "first born". Since then we have had 2 human children, Molly has become a great big sister and has continued to be an important member of our family. She can't wait to visit Paws in the Park again this year to see Shirley and the organization that saved her life!

Snickers (Previously Snickers) - Adopted: April 2010

Pearl (Previously Pearl) - Adopted: November 2015

We will be bringing Pearl to Paws in the Park, we hope she can see her puppies who were adopted out in Summer of 2015. Original names - Charlotte, Chantelle, Chelsie and Chevy.

Sunny (Previously Hershey (or Bernard) - Shelter mixed paperwork) - Adopted: July 2015

Sunny is a dachshund-terrier mix who is part of a 5-puppy litter that was surrendered in Georgia and we adopted from Northeast Animal shelter, Salem, MA. He's just a year old now and is the sweetest little boy!

Angus (Previously Angus) - Adopted: October 2008

Angus is very excited to attend again (mainly for bobbing for hot dogs!) He loves being social and this is such a great event. We're sad we missed it for the first 7 years we had him. We're making up for lost time now. Looking forward to it!

Eden (Previously Eden) - Adopted: August 2013

Eden is still terrified of the car but we'll be with you in spirit! My son, Conor, is fundraising and will be collecting items for the shelter this Spring. Thank you for all you do!

Oscar (Previously Oscar) - Adopted: October 2012

Oscar is an amazing leaning lover boy! He still struggles to keep his ego in check with other big/male dogs sometimes but loves his 2 year old human baby brother and the original queen of the house (our 15 year old shelter cat!).

Rocky (Previously Roscoe) - Adopted: July 2015

Virgil (Previously Kuvo?) - Adopted: June 2000

RIP Virgil: 4/1/2000 - 4/15/2015. He was my working partner in my business for 12 years and LUV'N his job at PET LUV'N - Dog Walks & Pet Sitting.

Luna (Previously Luna) - Adopted: May 2015

We cant wait to come support this great cause!

Abigail (Previously Abigail) - Adopted: July 2015

Excited for Abigail to see her friends and family :)

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Voice: 508-877-1407 or 978-443-7282       Fax: (877)349-9254

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