We get numerous emails from adopters asking about other dogs who have been adopted through our program. Also, the
volunteers that work so hard to rescue and foster these dogs, just love seeing them again! Paws
in the Park is the perfect place to meet up with the dogs and their families.
This page has gone over so well in the past years, we are doing it again.
It is for those of you who want to tell other adopters and volunteers that you will be at
Paws in the Park 2021.
Are you going to be attending Paws in the Park this year? If so, click here and tell us your name, dog's name, dog's former name,
the month & year he/she was adopted and any brief message you would like posted. If you have a current picture, attach that too!
At 10:45am we will be holding a "Find Your Pet's Littermate" contest.
If you adopted a puppy or dog who had a littermate, you are eligible to play "Find your Littermate" at 10:45 in the
Main Ring. Make sure you know your original adoption date and if possible, any other siblings from your dog's litter.
Then you can all walk together during the "Walk" part of our event!
We will have a bulletin board and index cards available at the Information booth.
These cards can be used to write messages to siblings and/or volunteers regarding where/when to meet. We are planning
to set up a meeting area. Ask at the Information booth where this area is.
Meredith (Previously Candy) - Adopted: November 2020
Rocco (Previously Prince Charles) - Adopted: July 2018
Kobe (Previously Buster) - Adopted: August 2020
Can’t wait to see all the lovely people who made it possible for Kobe to be part of our family!
Poe (Previously Moose) - Adopted: August 2021
Would love to meet up with Poe’s (Moose’s) litter mates!
Pudge (Previously Pudgie) - Adopted: September 2020
We had given up on looking for a rescue dog after looking for months last year.
Then on Sept 3 Pudgie popped up on line and was driving home with us the next day!
The Save a Dog people could not have been more thoughtful in helping us.
Pudge is our third adopted pup and has become an immediate and important part of our family.
Thank you Save a Dog for allowing us to have this amazing boy in our life!
Ozzie (Previously Cashmere) - Adopted: August 2021
* What an 8 year old pistol.
Suzie (Previously Suzie) - Adopted: December 2018
Suzie is bit shy but such a love!! We are very excited to go to another paws in the park event and give our support!!
Johnny - Adopted: November 2019
Sadie Mae (Previously Cindi) - Adopted: January 2021
Lucee Formerly (Previously Starsky) - Adopted: March 2020
Mylo (Previously Malachai) - Adopted: January 2020
Mylo was a puppy of Juneau, we hope to see his brother Isaac and sisters Sarah and Rachel.
Goliath (Previously Goliath) - Adopted: February 2020
We hope to find littermates of Goliath!
Penny (Previously Penny) - Adopted: July 2020
Rebecca and Jon Durante will be bringing Penny, and hope we can meet her brother who was adopted in July of 2020 as well--was named Parker originally.
Koda (Previously Tulip) - Adopted: October 2020
Millie (Previously Dahlia) - Adopted: October 2020
Lexi (Previously Hermione) - Adopted: October 2017
Lexi has been a great addition to our family.
Rico (Previously Rocky) - Adopted: July 2019
Looking forward to seeing all the dogs!
Nutmeg (Previously Daffodil) - Adopted: October 2020
Nutmeg is looking forward to meeting up with some of her littermates from Daisy's litter. We hope to see Daisy too.
Snoopy (Previously Peaches) - Adopted: October 2015
Snoopy and I are Looking forward to another great paws in the park event!!!
Dakota (Previously Moira) - Adopted: March 2018
Bailey (Previously Lillac) - Adopted: March 2016
Kyle - Adopted: March 2016
Kylie is such a sweet boy and has been a joy since he was adopted in March of 2016. His sister Kay was adopted right before Kyle and I would love to somehow reunite them. Also hoping to see volunteer who fostered Kyle and Kay.
Daisy (Previously Casey) - Adopted: March 2010
Louie (Previously Louie) - Adopted: November 2020
We adopted Louie last November and we are so in love with him. He came from Jilly Ann’s litter and we would love to see the rest of his brothers and we know he would too!!
Tucker von Boots (Previously Boots) - Adopted: September 2017
Tucker would love to meet up with his litter mates!
Regina (Previously Regina) - Adopted: April 2019
One of the Russian dogs! I believe one of the other ones is her sister. She still is shy so we may not stay too long but I would love to meet the other Russian dogs and see Gina's foster mom too who I think was named Nicole.
Ziggy (Previously Myron (bloodhound puppies)) - Adopted: July 2019
We are hoping to meet more littermates from the July 2019 bloodhound litter!
Millie - Adopted: July 2020
We adopted Millie last summer and she has brought a lot of joy into our lives. From wandering alone in a Louisiana neighborhood to our home, she went on quite a journey and we're so glad she's here with us!
Minka “the Stinka” (Previously Minka) - Adopted: February 2020
We’d love to meet up with the other pups from mama Molly’s litter (born Nov. 2019)!!!
Haley (Previously Haley) - Adopted: January 2015
Adopting a Chihuahua mix in the middle of the biggest blizzard and snowiest winter on record was crazy, but Haley turned out to be the best thing to ever have happened to our family! From the streets of Tennessee she came with so much uncertainty and baggage, but has put it all behind her and is so happy in her forever home and exudes so much love!
Moose (Previously Cheerio) - Adopted: June 2020
Hi! We're so excited to come to Paws in the Park, and support Save A Dog! Thanks to your organization I got to adopt my best friend Moose in June of last year. He's absolutely the best <3
Katie - Adopted: January 2018
Miss Katie and Miss Muffin are excited to be attending Paws in the Park again this year. Being blind in one eye doesn't keep Katie from meeting and greeting every dog she sees!