Signup for your own Personal On-Line Pledge Page for Paws in the Park 2021!
Your personal on-line pledge page is a fundraising page created by you
to assist you in raising much needed pledges. Your page will show your name, your personal message, your uploaded picture and how
much you have raised in on-line pledges so far. Your pledge page allows your friends to donate
toward your pledge total.
Last Year our top pledge raiser raised almost $7300, and our top three pledge raisers brought in just over $13,700 in total! Let's see what we can do this year!
See our "Tips For Pledges" section to help you raise more pledges.
- Create your pledge page by clicking the "Create Page" button
- After filling out the form, choosing your password, and clicking the "Create" button, you will be given the option of updating your page right away.
- If you choose to update your page at a later date, you can always return here and update your new pledge page by clicking the "Update My Page" button
- Tell everyone you know about your Paws in the Park Pledge page
As an individual walker, you can help us raise money to help the dogs by asking your friends, family, co-workers,
and anyone else you may know to sponsor you in the walk. Can't make it to Paws In The Park this year? Be part of
the team spirit by becoming a virtual walker and raise pledges to help the dogs. Signup today to get your own personal
pledge page!
Add the your pledge page link to your email signature. It's amazing how many people will click
on your link and make a donation.